Moving to Steam!

Hi everyone, we launched the Steam demo a few weeks ago and we got to see everyone's joy at the convention, Cleveland Gaming Classic. It was truly a blast watching everyone play the game. We are working as hard as ever to make this experience fun.

Additionally, we will put updates on hold while we focus our efforts onto Steam so this will effectively be the last update. We hope to see you soon on Steam, where you can follow and wishlist us. Find us here:

Major Updates

- Rebalanced the 240 prefabs in the game for a better combat experience
- Reorganized the 30 market place stalls to balance variety better
- Redid the settings menu from scratch to make it much cleaner

Minor Updates

- Gave Mirai a new illusory trail when she bends space to dash forward
- Adjust the height that many large objects are raised up
- Add ragdoll to enemy clock
- Did a palette swap on the firebird to make it more "fire"
- Update the objective text with a more readable background and new fadeout
- Updated the compass and timer UI to be a little cleaner
- Extended DPad controls to now work on UI
- Upscaled some food items for better hitboxes
- Add new audio stinger at combat start
- Added new sfx on pause menu, skill menu, hand weights, and benches
- Redid the wood textures to look nicer
- Changed snail trail color to purple to give it more contrast
- Updated game over text
- Used better compression on storybook panels to reduce used storage space
- Started using better versioning so that player log shows game version


- Fixed layers on too many level 2 objects to list them
- Fixed missing sound on literally hundreds of rocks
- Patched many of the holes present on mesh bottoms
- Fixed bug where looking up/down slowed down run speed
- Fixed bug where storybook used wrong control scheme
- Fixed collectible to use fixed updates and improve interpolation logic
- Fixed UV and shader on waterfall
- Fixed bug where controller does not click sfx on UI buttons
- Fix missing pumpkin stem
- Fixed bug where water audio didnt play
- Fixed some missing references on Blazebeak

Files 222 MB
Sep 18, 2024

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